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Home Depot Problem Discovery & Design Solutions

Winter 2019

The Product

Home Depot ( online store.

The Purpose

Highlight most used function of the website, the Search function.

Project Keypoints

The Product Search Needs #gains

The Problem: Although the Search function takes up real estate in the header, the most dominant eyecatcher upon arrival is “FREE DELIVERY”. Additionally, multiple visual elements clutter the header where the Search function resides.

Home Depot Homepage
Screenshot of Home Depot Homepage

Why Users Need a Strong Search

User walkthroughs defined importance:
Observing users, during a sample product find, revealed that they only used the Search function.

When asked about the Main Navigation, individuals confirmed that they rarely use it unless “window shopping” or “browsing… a patient approach to finding products”.

With users showing the importance of Search in relation to the store products, the Search function needed centralized focus on the website.

Solution Mockup (Lo-Fi)

Lo-fi mockup solution of Home Depot Search Design
Lo-fi solution of Home Depot Search Design

Mockup Highlights:

Why It Helps the Customers

Comparative Analysis for Familiarity

The solution utilized familiar experiences mentioned in user interviews (Lowe’s, Amazon, and Google), where the Search Function was the most dominant element of the interface.

Lowes homepage screenshot Amazon homepage screenshot Google homepage screenshot

How the Design was Validated

A/B Test Sprint of Lo-Fi Mockup

Two lo-fi solutions were presented in front of users for testing.

“Which page do you feel is the best one to help you find your product?”

Idea 1:

Home Depot Search Design idea 1
Home Depot Search Design idea 1

Idea 2:

Home Depot Search Design idea 2
Home Depot Search Design idea 2

Solution Analysis

Home Depot solution prototype lo-fi
Mid-fidelity solution proposal


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