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Supreme Golf Mobile-Web Redesign

Fall 2018

The Product

Supreme Golf (
A golf tee-time booking service that centralizes searches across the popular booking websites (i.e. GolfNow, TeeOff, GOLFZING).

The Opportunity

The responsive web framework pigeonholed the arrangement of inputs and other essential features, in a predefined template, causing inconsistencies in expected behavior rather than implementing a design to target mobile users.

Supreme Golf Homepage for mobile
Screenshot of Supreme Golf homepage for mobile

The Approach

Mobile-first redesign proposal: Utilized Supreme Golf's more polished native mobile app as a precedence for the mobile-web version.

Project Keypoints

Primary Persona: Dan

Dan was created from user insights gathered in preliminary interviews with 3 golfers that book tee-times, online.

Card image

Daniel (Dan) Garcia

Deal Hunter & frequently uses many golf booking sites.

Golfing Frequency:

Once a week

Swing Analysis:

  • Male
  • Married
  • 2 Children
  • 38 years old
  • Handicap: 13.5


  • Likes to use apps on his phone, especially golf related ones for GPS and scoring.
  • All tee-time bookings are on smartphone, interspersed with text messages to his golf buddies for planning and confirmation.
  • He'll either book from his couch at home while watching a game, or sometimes as a passenger during carpool to work.

Text Message:

“Let's play next weekend! Who's in?”


Storyboards presented imagined usage, interaction, and emotional experience factors while using the product in the user’s personal environment.

Storyboard 1 of Dan and his responsibilities Storyboard 2 of Dan with the kids at home trying to book a tee time Storyboard 3 of Dan booking a tee time and enjoying his time with kids


While storyboards served as early sketches of the design, wireframing began to introduce limitations to the design, with regards to mobile space constraints. It also served as a cheap, easy version to test and alter.

Primary Task: Booking Tee-Time, via Favorites

Wireframe Supreme Golf Homescreen Wireframe Supreme Golf Favorites List Wireframe Supreme Golf Selected Course Wireframe Supreme Golf Booking

Lo-Fi & Interactive Prototype Design

Prototype & interaction provided a tangible product “experience” to evaluate and present to users for feedback.

Lo-fi Supreme Golf homepage Lo-fi Supreme Golf favorites screen Lo-fi Supreme Golf course screen Lo-fi Supreme Golf booking screen

Final Design

Show and tell methods of the interactive lo-fi prototype with users, via screenshots and movies presenting usage, led to adjustments in the final design.

Supreme Golf Homepage Supreme Golf Favorites Supreme Golf Tee Time Listing Supreme Golf Booking page Supreme Golf Confirmation Message

Final Adjustments:


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